Próba korelacji wiekowej warstw magurskich we wschodniej części płaszczowiny magurskiej z utworami grupy zewnętrznej


  • Jadwiga Blaicher
  • Wacław Sikora


ATTEMPT·TO CORRELATE THE MAGURA BEDS IN EASTERN PART OF MAGURA NAPPE WITH SEDIMENTS OF EXTERNAL GROUPIn 1953, M. Książkiewicz distinguished in the western part of the Magura nappe two fades, of Magura sandstones (layers): a northern facies of glauconitic sandstones and a southern facies of micaceous sandstones. A similar division may also be applied to the Magura nappe east of the Dunajec river. The authors investigations deal with the contact between the variegated beds and the Magura beds. For this purpose they examined four sections at Szymbark Ruski, at Siary, at Folusz and at·Pagorzyna. In order to compare the microfauna, they used samples collected by F. Szymakowska from the contact zone of the variegated beds with the Magura beds in the Kluczowa tectonic patch.



