Żelazo i mangan w wodach podziemnych różnych środowisk hydrogeochemicznych


  • Zenobiusz Płochniewski
  • Jarosław Pich


IRON AND MANGANESE IN UNDERGROUND WATERS OF VARIOUS HYDROGEOCHEMICAL ENVIRONMENTSSummaryIron and manganese occur almost in all underground waters. In waters of the Quaternary deposits occurring within the area of Poland these elements frequently appear in quantities that disqualify waters for municipal, economic and industrial purposes. The article deals with the origin and conditions of migration of iron and manganese in underground waters and characterized the quantities of these elements in waters of various hydrogeochemical environments. On the basis of some hundreds determinations of iron and manganese occurring in waters encountered by drillings made in last period, the authors discuss iron and manganese found in an environment of dune deposits in the region of the Kampinos primeval forest, in waters of fluvioglacial deposits covered by boulder clays, in river and delta (Żuławy) deposits, as well as in the Cretaceous deposits occurring in the Lublin upland area. The materials gathered have allowed to trace both mean and extreme contents of iron and manganese in underground waters of the environments mentioned above.



