„Paragenetyczne” występowanie żelaza i manganu w wodach podziemnych


  • Zenobiusz Płochniewski


“PARAGENETIC” OCCURRECE OF IRON AND MANGANESE IN UNDERGROUND WATERSSummaryAn opinion is widespread that iron and manganese occur in the nature, i.e. also in the underground waters, in a close paragenetic relation. On the basis of a rich documentary material (approximately 300 Fe determinations and 300 Mn determinations) the present author has ascertained that no close relation exists between Fe and Mn in the underground waters of the Quaternary deposits occurring in the northern areas of Poland. The ratio Mn/Fe computed for about 300 water samples, ranges of the zero to the infinity, although the most frequently found values are from 0,0 to 0,2. The paper deals with the origin and conditions of iron and manganese migration in the underground waters of North Poland. Various migration ability of these elements frequently leads to a relative concentration of Mn in the underground waters, as compared with its mean value in the earth crust. The absolute contents of Fe in the underground waters are usually considerably higher than those of manganese. 



