Przekrój osadów czwartorzędowych w dolinie Skawy u wylotu Wieprzówki


  • Antoni Tokarski


CROSS SECTION THROUGH THE QUATERNARY DEPOSITS IN THE SKAWA RIVER VALLEY AT THE WIEPRZÓWKA OUTLETSummaryThe paper deals with some cross sections characteristic of the Quaternary deposits occurring in the Skawa river valley. The cross sections were elaborated on the basis of mapping, drilling and resistivity logging materials (Fig. 1). Loess-like loam cover subdivides the Quaternary deposits of the Skawa river valley into pre-loessial (Pleistocene) and post-loessial (Holocene). The Pleistocene deposits consist of the following series from younger to older: 1. Loessoid loams (loeses) subdivided on the left bank of the Skawa river into upper and lower ones; 2. Peat silts drilled through only in one site on the left bank of the Skawa river; 3. Middle gravels strongly developed on the left bank of the Skawa river, and distinctly marked in the geomorphology of the terrain (Figs. 3 and 4); 4. High gravels fragmentarily preserved on either sides of the Skawa river (Figs. 5 and 6), in one ease ascertained only on the basis of geoelectrical measurements (J. Miecznik, A.Tokarski, 1966). The Holocene deposits occur (from younger to older) as flood terrace, over-flood terrace, and landslides. The relation between the over-flood terrace and the landslides cut off the latter is illustrated on Fig. 2. The deposits of younger Pleistocene and of Holocene are more or less connected with the succesive levels of erosion, lying near by the horizon of the present-day valley bottom. Only the high gravels cover the differentiated surface and come down deeply below the to-day's valley bottom, or rest highly above it (Figs. 3, 5, 6). More detailed stratigraphy of the Quaternary deposits was based on the correlation with the cross sections palaeobotanically documented. According to the opinions by M. Klimaszewski (1948) and M. Książkiewicz (1952), and the recent opinions by W. Koperowa and A. Środoń (in print) the loeses were wind-deposited at the decline of the last glaciation, at the time related to the top of the Baltic terrace. To be true, some different suggestions have been brought forward by E. Stupnicka (1960). The middle gravels underlying the loesses were laid down at the time of early stages of the last glaciation. They constitute the main accumulation of the Baltic terrace. Similar conditions existed in the Carpathians, as described by A. Środoń (1952 a and b), K. Birkenmajer and A. Środoń (1960), E. Stupnicka and A. Szumański (1957), as well as by A. Jahn (1957). The peat silts were laid down either during the Brørup Interstadial, as for example in the sections of Ziębówka (A. Środoń, 1952 b), Brzeziny (K. Birkenmajer, A. Środoń, 1960) and Wadowice (M. Sobolewska, L. Starkel, A. Środoń, 1964), or were formed during the warm oscillation of the climate in the Pleniglacial of the last glaciation, as for example in the Białka river valley (M. Sobolewska, A. Środon, 1961) and in the section of Zator (W. Koperowa, A. Środoń, in print). The high gravels were laid down, according to M. Klimaszewski (1948), during the Cracovian Glaciation. The present author, basing on the results of the works made by M. Bielecka (1960) and E. Stupnicka (1962), assumes the age of these gravels to be somewhat younger. On the basis of the works made by A. Środoń (1952 a and b) and by L. Starkel (1957) the flood terrace and the over-flood terrace are referred to the Holocene. The cycle of alternating erosion and accumulation phases resulting from the stratigraphy of the Quaternary of the Skawa river valley, and its correlation with the analogous cycle described by A. Środoń (K. Birkemnajer, A. Środoń, 1960) as to the Nowy Targ basin, are given in the attached table. 



