Ślady ropy naftowej i gazu ziemnego na Niżu Polskim oraz ich znaczenie dla poszukiwań naftowych


  • Stanisław Depowski
  • Jadwiga Królicka


OIL AND GAS TRACES IN THE POLISH LOWLAND AREA AND THEIR IMPORTANCE FOR OIL PROSPECTIONSDuring the recent research and prospecting works carried on a large scale in the last time, numerous oil and gas traces were recorded in the part of the Polish territory stretching outside the Carpathian geosynclina area (Carpathians and Carpathian Fore-deep). The oil seepages in the Devonian (Frasnian?) deposits occur in the Święty Krzyż Mountains in quarries at Czarnów and Wietrznia, near Kielce, as well as in the vicinity of Łagów. Remarkable oil seepages in the Tortonian deposits are known from the southern marginal area of the Święty Krzyż Mountains, at Załucza.



