Kras podmorenowy Doliny Pańszczycy w Tatrach


  • Jerzy Głazek


SUBMORAINIC KARST OF THE PAŃSZCZYCA VALLEY (HIGH TATRA)Numerous new hollows (Figs. 1, 5, 6) occur in the Pańszczyca valley below the forest line, in a moraine of the older recession stage of the last glaciation. These are reproduced sink holes jointing sometimes into uvalas (Fig. 2) caused by karsting of the Middle Triassic carbonate rocks underlying the moraine. These forms are accompanied by swallow holes occurring in the floor of the Pańszczyca creek. In these holes, frequently the entire. water of creek completely disappears. This water decrease considerably checked the erosion of the creek bed below the swallow holes, what led to a narrowing of this bed (Fig. 3). The waters disappearing in the Pańszczyca valley, reappear in vauclusian springs of the Sucha Woda valley (Fig. 4).The phenomena discussed above are younger than the relief created during the recession period of the last glaciation, and deformed by them, at present. This is typical lower zone of high mountain karst.



