Zarys stratygrafii liasu w Polsce zachodniej i jego korelacja z liasem Polski środkowej


  • Ryszard Dadlez


OUTLINE OF THE LIAS STRATIGRAPHY IN WESTERN POLAND AND CORRELATION WITH THE LIAS OF CENTRAL POLANDIn the paper the principles of stratigraphy and an outline of development of the Lias deposits in Western Poland have been presented (Tab. 1). The boundary between Rhaetic and Lias has been determined by palynological analysis (T. Marcinkiewicz, 1962) showing that the continental deposits of upper Rhaetic age contain a very characteristic megaspore association(Triletes utilis, T. pinguis, Bacutrileites tylotus, Minerisporites ales, a.o.), which is also known from the Triletes chichten·of the German upper Rhaetic. The complex of the Lias sediments, being mostly of continental origin, may be divided into six main lithological series.



