Stosunki facjalne w zagłębiu cechsztyńskim w Polsce


  • Józef Poborski


FACIAL RELATIONS IN THE ZECHSTEIN BASIN OF POLANDThe general conditions of the Zechstein sedimentation in Poland are as follows. The substratum of the Zechstein transgression consisted of the older Palaeozoic and/or Rotliegendes formations. Probably, also the Precambrian formations were present in the northeastern part of the country. In greater part of the area, the substratum of transgression must have undergone peneplanation. However, certain underwater rocky bars, islands and peninsulas existed at that time in this area. Particularly uneven and topographically much diversified were probably both the southern shore of the Zechstein sea, running from the Sudetes region in the west, throughout the vicinities of the Święty Krzyż Mountains to the east, as well as the eastern shore there (Fig. 1).



