Geologia wgłębna wschodniej Polski na przekroju Fasty-Tyszowce


  • Borys Areń


DEEP GEOLOGY OF EASTERN POLAND ALONG THE CROSS SECTION FASTY-TYSZOWCE Geological investigations of deep structures occurring in the eastern part of Poland, have developed only in 1952 after a reorganization of the State Geological Survey, which has enabled to obtain financial means fur deep drillings. After fixing the plan of first stage investigations in the lowland area, majority of bore hole was sunk at the line of geological cross section Fasty-Tyszowce. The details of these investigations are presented by other authors (W. Pożaryski, 1957, 1960; J. Znosko, 1962).The cross section discussed here cuts several structural units in which the crystalline basement has been reached by bore holes. The Mazury-Suwałki elevation in the north represents an area prolific in search for iron ores. The author is of the opinion that the morphological details of crystalline basement within this elevation and in the area of the Podlesie horst should be elaborated more precisely on purpose to search for mineral raw materials resting on secondary deposit.Both drilling land seismical data prove the occurrence of faults and/or dislocation zones separating the elevation from the depressions, what allows to determine the extension of horsts. A difference in depth of the Precambrian crystalline basement occurrence amounts on the Podlasie horst and in the Chełm depression 1445 m. At other points of the cross section under study, the existing differences in depth of the basement are also worthy of stress. It may be thought on the stratigraphical differences and sedimentary conditions of the PaIaeozoic formations that individual tectonic units of the marginal area of the Eastern European platform, running perpendicularly to this latter, underwent unequal movements similar to the piano key movement. In the southern part of the cross section, the author sees, as to the Carboniferous, Devonian and Cambrian deposits, favorable conditions for bitumen occurrences in the area of near-fault zone stretching in the southern part of the Vladimir Volynski fault between Krasnystaw and Vladimir Volynski.



