Dewon w otworze wiertniczym Rachów


  • Maria Pajchlowa
  • Antoni Marian Żelichowski


DEVONIAN IN THE BORE HOLE RACHÓWSummaryOn the basis of the data collected from bore hole Rachów the present authors give the profile of the Palaeozoic formations. In addition, they sum up all opinions on their stratigraphy. After a re-examination of the drill cores from the bore hole under consideration a new fauna assemblage was encountered to contain Stromatopora concentrica Goldfuss, Thamnopora sp., Phacops (Phacops) sp. This allowed to refer the calcareous-dolomite deposits occurring at an interval of 550÷715,5 m to the Middle Devonian. The underlying terrigenous series, grey in its upper part and variegated in its lower part, reaching down to a depth of 1395 metres, has been referred to the Lower Devonian. 



