Osady najmłodszego eokambru (seria laminarytowa) w południowo-wschodniej części Niżu Polskiego


  • Wanda Kieżel


THE LATEST EOCAMBRIAN DEPOSITS (LAMINARITE SERIES) IN THE SOUTH-EASTERN PART OF THE POLISH LOWLANDSummaryPetrographical elaboration of the deposits of laminarite series (Mazowsze and Lublin series) underlying the Cambrian deposits encountered by the bore holes at Tłuszcz, Radzyń and Kaplonosy allows to make some correlations and to distinguish characteristic complexes of deposits. Several stages can be ascertained in the whole series of the Latest Eocambrian rocks, at the time of which sedimentary conditions, i.e. character of the material sedimented unrderwent changes. Five fundamental complexes have been distinguished, the equivalents of which can be parallelized in the individual bore holes (Fig. 1). The individual complexes differ in type of the terrigenous material sedimented (arenaceous, or clayey-mudstone material), in mineral composition, and in the case of sandstone series, also in grain size and sorting degree. Succession of the individual complexes is very characteristic. I. Series of badly sorted, kaolinized arkoses, intercalated by mudstone-clayey shales enriched in iron oxides and hydroxides, containing interbeddings of quartz sandstones; II. Series of fine-grained arenaceous deposits intercalated by clay and clay-mudstone shales, with not numerous glauconite; III. Series of badly sorted arenaceous deposits, conglomeratic at places, with fragments and concretions of phosphate character; IV. Series of clay and mudstone clay shales revealing a disturbed bedded structure, at places with glauconite and intercalations of dolomitic mudstones; V. Series of fine-grained, well sorted quartz sandstones. Mineral composition of the sandstones and its changes in the vertical section have been shown on Figs. 2 and 3. 



