Aktualne zagadnienia kartografii geologicznej w Polsce


  • Jan Malinowski


ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF GEOLOGICAL CARTOGRAPHY IN POLANDSummaryIn the report delivered by the present author during the scientific session held on the occasion of hundred anniversary of Prof. Dr K. Bohdanowicz's birthday the development trends of geological cartography have been outlined in the light of the topical state of this cartography. It has been stressed that the present kinds of cartography do not satisfy economical requirements in many cases. Of particular importance is here geological cartography, as well as hydrogeological and engineering-geological cartography, too. Such a cartography is connected almost with the everyday economical activity, particularly in the field of water supply and building problems (engineering geology and geology of building mineral raw materials). Development of the cartography connected with the deposits of combustible and metallic mineral raw materials constitutes here a problem of special importance. The previous forms of elaboration are not adequate, and the increasing demands call for some syntheses of the results obtained, and force to present them in the cartographical way. Under these conditions an intensification of cartographical works is required in the domain of fundamental geology, mineral raw material geology, hydrogeology and engineering geology. On account of restricted means on the one hand, and of urgent needs on the other, certain cartographical trends discussed above should be solved by means of proper interpretation of the existing geological materials, with the help of the present-day scientific conceptions.



