O jakości interglacjalnych łupków bitumicznych z Barkowic Mokrych•koło Sulejowa


  • Jerzy Badak
  • Julian Grudzień
  • Ewa Zabiegaj


ON QUALITY OF THE INTERGLACIAL OIL SHALES FROM BARKOWlCE MOKRE, NEAR SULEJÓWAt Barkowice Mokre, near Sulejów, there occur within the Interglacial for mations oil shales previously investigated by S. Z. Różycki in 1947. They are developed as black and brown black sediments disclosing leafy or laminated cleavage; in the humid state the shales under study are plastic. Their thickness ranges from 2 to 3 m, decreasing, however, towards the east.Microscopic observations allowed to distinguish two varieties of the shales, i.e. shales of bedded texture and shales of irregular texture.As it may be seen on Fig. 1, distribution of bituminous substance within the investigated seam of oil shales shows a slight differentiation. It is clearly visible that at the top of the seam an approximately 25 cm thick layer occurs containing almost 19 per cent of shale oil, followed by over 1 m thick series, in which the quantity ,of pyrobitumens ranges from 10 to 15 per cent. Beneath, a zone containing 14 - 20 per cent of shale of may be seen, underlain by a bank disclosing 2,5 per cent of this oil.In general, the quantity of shale oil ranges from 11,33 up to 20,02 per cent (Tab. 1). Average contents of this oil in the whole of the seam amount 13,84 per cent. Distribution of bituminous substance in the individual beds is not regular, horizontally and vertically.When retorting, the retorting gas is obtained (Tab. 3), the amount of which is adequate to the self-sufficient energetic retorting. The shale oil as proved by the properties of products obtained from it (Tab. 4) represents raw material of good quality, suitable for chemical processing. It may yield products like those obtained from the petroleum, i.e. crude benzine up to 200°C, naphtha (200°-300°), oil over 300°C, crude paraffin and asphalt.



