Surowce skalne w Górach lzerskich


  • Stefan Kozłowski
  • Wiga Pawłowska


ROCKY MINERAL RAW MATERIALS IN THE IZERA MTS.SummaryThe following are rocky mineral raw materials discussed in the present paper: quartz-micaceous schists, vein quartz- leucogranites, fluorite quartzites and kaolinized rocks. In addition, the authors briefly discuss several problems of useful mineral raw materials that, because of small resources and low concentrations are not, at present, of industrial importance (topaz, andalusite, kimberlites).Quartz-micaceous schists occur in three E–W extending zones that are wedged in the Izera gneisses (Fig. 1). Quartz-muscovite schists, characterized by a great amount of sericite, are used in industry. After processing, the mineral raw material here considered is utilized as powder for roofing paper, its fine dust is applied to produce insecticides, part of the powder being destined to fabricate road bitumen masses.The only quartz vein deposit exploited at Rozdroże Izerskie (Fig. 1) extends over 8 km, and attains up to 150 m in thickness. External parts of the vein are built up of quartz schists and quartzites, interior portion is filled in with coarse-crystalline quartz, where SiO2 usually exceeds 99%. Total amount of injurious admixtures does not attain 0,6%. This mineral raw materials, applied also in refractory material industry, partly in glass industry, and a small amount is used as road-metal.Recently, a number of feldspar deposits (leucogranites) have been documented. This is mainly sodium, or sodium-potassium mineral raw material. Technological examinations show that a possibility exists to increase the percentage of alkalis from 8% to 13%, and to decrease the content of colouring oxides (Fe2O3 + TiO2).Moreover, the authors stress a possibility that exists in mechanical processing of quartzites and fluorite to receive a concentrate with 99% of fluorite.In addition, the researches were made to obtain garnets that occur in micaceous schists, so far, thrown away on heaps. Concentrate has been obtained, too, which has 90% of almandine, the output being 6%, as compared with feeder.At present researches are carried on to enrich poor topaz and andalusite deposits; and studies are made to discover some kimberlite chilmneys.



