Występowanie autogenicznego kwarcu w brekcji anhydrytów Werra na monoklinie przedsudeckiej


  • Jerzy Kłapciński
  • Józef Kornaś


OCCURRENCE OF AUTOGENIC QUARTZ IN THE WERRA ANHYDRITE BRECCIA WITHIN THE FORE-SUDETIC MONOCLINESummaryIn this paper the autogenic quartz occurring in anhydrite breccia of the Werra cyclothem (Zechstein) within the Fore-Sudetic monocline has been described for the first time (Fig. 1). Beside grains having hexagonal habitus also pseudoregular forms and twins have been ascertained. Similar forms were found and described by W. D. Grimm (1962) from the saline deposits of Central Europe. According to the present authors, quartz crystals were formed during consolidation (diagenesis) of mother rock built up of anhydrite breccia, in all probability due to precipitation of silica in the environment containing an increased amount of electrolytes.



