Charakterystyka chemiczna węglowodorów bituminów labilnych z utworów syluru


  • Barbara Gondek


CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF HYDROCARBONS IN LABILE BITUMENS FROM THE SILURIAN DEPOSITSSummaryBoth quantitative and qualitative examinations were made of the hydrocarbons occuring in traces in the Silurian deposits of the northern and middle areas of Poland, and of hydrocarbons from the crude oils discovered in these areas in the older Paleozoic formations. A series of analyses embraced determinations of carbon, hydrogen, reflaction index and magnitude of molecular weight, as well as spectrophotometric examinations in infra-red light. The obtained results allow to ascertain that the hydrocarbons from bitumines contain, as compared with those from crude oils, an increased amount of naphtenes and of aromatic substances, and that the chemical composition of the hydrocarbons is various in various drilling points. Moreover, certain samples bear a striking resemblance to hydrocarbons of biumens. Determination of quantitative relation between the hydrocarbons of biumens and the organic substance disseminated in rocks permitted for part of samples only, to exclude the possibility of the present-day migration of hydrocarbons through porous medium there. It may be assumed on the basis of the determinations discussed above that a genetical connection probably exists the hydrocarbons found at several points of the Silurian deposits, and the crude oil discovered in these areas. 



