Wyniki interpretacji anomalii grawimetrycznych w rejonie Mogielnicy – Nowego Miasta


  • Kazimierz Maryniak
  • Ewa Niepielska Kowalkowska


RESULTS OF INTERPRETATION OF GRAVIMETRIC ANOMALY IN THE MOGIELNICA–NOWE MIASTO REGIONSummaryThe article deals with the results of quantitative interpretation of gravimetric anomalies of the Mogielnica–Nowe Miasto region situated within the northern margin of the Święokrzyskie Mountains. Detailed gravimetric surveys made by H. Olkus (1962) and the data concerning volume weights of rocks were here source material for the quantitative interpretation. This was made along a cross section running from the vicinities of Odrzywół through Ulów, towards the area of Wyśmierzyce (Figs. 4­–5). During the interpretation process both Skeels method (D. E. Skeels, 1963) and Nikiforov method (M. E. Abielskij. 1958) were applied.Parameters of anomalous bodies, depths of occurrence, density and distribution were determined as well (Figs. 4–5). Results of the interpretation show that the source of local anomalies of the region in study are at a depth of about 200–250 metres. Taking into account some scarce geological data and the density characteristics of rocks, the present authors came to a conclusion that the local anomalies are due to an elevation of heavier Jurassic formations. A considerable concordance of the parameters of anomalous bodies obtained by means of two different methods is very striking here. Within the Mogielnica anomaly, for example, the depth of the top of Jurassic formations is according to Nikiforov method, 340 metres, the difference in density amounting to 0,6 g/cm3. According to Skeels method in turn. the depth is 375 m., the density being of the same value.On the basis of gravimetric interpretation there was also determined a dislocation characterized by a throw amounting to 750 m., which probably occurs in Palaeozoic formations (Fig. 4).



