Występowanie fauny na obszarach fliszowych w Karpatach polskich


  • D. W. Naliwkin


FAUNA IN THE FLYSCH AREAS OF THE POLISH CARPATHIAN MTS.SummaryTaking into account the data obtained by Polish geologists the present author demonstrates that the flysch deposits occurring in the area of the Polish Carpathian Mts. cannot be considered only as a sediment of deep water origin. No doubt, suspension currents have played an important role in the formation of the flysch, however, little evidences allow only to suppose that the currents have acted rather at the bottom parts of the basins.The flysch is not the only deposit in the area under consideration. The following are deposits distinguished here beside the flysch ones: 1 – complex of nummulite limestones and marls (Eocene of the Tatra Mts.), 2 – lagoonal and bay clays, black in colour, with numerous mixed fauna, 3 – differentiated series of shallow-marine, lagoonal, lacustrine and continental deposits, 4 – sandstones of the Krosno type, i.e. continental, deltaic, river and aeolian, rarely marine deposits.Mutual relations between the occurrence areas of these complexes, and a complete lack of typical deep-water fauna distinctly point to a fact that, for the most part, the flysch deposits are of continental origin.In summary, the present author draws a conclusion that the conditions of the formation of type flysch series, particularly of those belonging to the Eocene flysch, are far more diversified and complicated than those usually accepted by Polish geologists.



