Współpraca krajów członkowskich Rady Wzajemnej Pomocy Gospodarczej w dziedzinie badań geologicznych i rozwoju bazy surowców mineralnych


  • B. N. Jerofiejew


CO-OPERATION OF THE COUNTRIES – MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL FOR MUTUAL ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE IN THE DOMAIN OF GEOLOGICAL RESEARCHES AND IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF BASIS OF MINERAL RESOURCESSummaryThe article deals with the problems which are an object of interest of the Standing Geological Commission of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance. As the main problem there is discussed here the coordination of plans of geologic-prospecting and scientific-research works and methodical investigations necessary for the development of the basis of mineral resources and for the development of the industries in the countries-members of the Council.Moreover, methods of work of the Commission and role of the Department of Geology in the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance are discussed.There are also presented recommendations and suggestions of the Commission as to the geological researches of the following mineral deposits: oil, gas, coal, iron ores, non-iron ores, chemical raw materials, and to the scientific-research works, too.



