Osiągnięcia hydrogeologii i geologii inżynierskiej ZSRR w okresie pięćdziesięciu lat Władzy Radzieckiej


  • N. I. Płotnikow
  • M. W. Czurinow


ACHEVEMENTS IN HYDROGEOLOGY AND ENGINEERING GEOLOGY DURING 50 YARS OF THE SOVIET POWER IN THE USSBSummaryThe paper deals with the development of hydrogeology and engineering geology during 50 years of the Soviet power in the USSR. In the czar's Russia, the hydrogeological and engineering-geological works were carried on a small and limited scale. After the Great October Socialist Revolution, at the time of establishing national economy, and later on, during the period of industrialization of the country, a necessity arose to develop large-scale hydrogeological and engineering-geological investigations. A series of practical tasks were accompanied by the works carried on by the Soviet scientists as to the principles and methods of researchs. So, hydrogeology and engineering geology became independent scientific researches.The Great Patriotic War stopped the intensity of the hydrogeological and engineering-geological researches for peace purposes. All efforts were directed towards the construction of objects at the defensive lines and concentrated to support the war operations.After the war, new tasks arose, related to the development of national economy and the demands of all developing branches of industry. Considerable hydrogeological works were made as concerns water supply in new towns, industrial centres and agricultural objects, in the domain of hydrogeological mapping in the area of the country as well as to develop new trends, i.e. hydrogeology of mineral deposits and hydrogeological methods of prospection, a.o. Building industry, strongly developing after the war, forced to develop engineering geology and its self-dependent branches – soil mechanics, geocryology and theory of dynamic processes. 



