Geologia węgla w ZSRR w okresie pięćdziesięciu lat Władzy Radzieckiej


  • N. W. Łogwinienko


COAL GEOLOGY IN THE USSR DURIG 50 YEARS OF THE SOVIET POWERSummaryScientific base of coal geology was elaborated still before the revolution by the prominent Russian geologists, among others by M. Lutugin, M. Zalesski, F. Tshernyshev and others.However, the degree of knowledge and reconnaissance of coal resources was insufficient in the pre-revolution period. On the other hand, during the period of the Soviet power coal geology acquired considerable effects, mainly as concerns elaboration of scientific-theoretical principles, and geological prospecting and reconnaissance works conducted throughout the country.Considerable achievements are noted in stratigraphy of coal measures and in correlation of coal seams, as well as in lithology, chemistry and petrography of coal, and in coal-bearing formations. Establishing of main regularities in distribution of coal basins and coal deposits within the area of the country is also worthy of being stressed here.The results of these research works were basis to construct map of coal resources for the entire territory of the USSR and for its individual regions, and to calculate in detail the coal resources of the country. 



