Rozwój nauki o złożach surowców mineralnych w ZSRR


  • F. I. Wolfson


DEVELOPMENT OF STUDIES ON ORE MINEBAL DEPOSITSSummaryThe paper deals with the achievements of the Soviet geology as to the investigation of mineral deposits and the development of studies on ore deposits during the 50-year-period of the Soviet power. After the Great October Socialist Revolution, the young Soviet Republic had to solve numerous tasks, among others, to investigate mineral reserves of the country and. to discover new mineral deposits.V. I. Lenin considered the problem of mineral raw materials as the most important, which shoud be solved to consolidate and to develop the socialist system. The development of the studies on ore deposits, from the October revolution up to the present day, is discussed in this paper as to four periods. The first period comprises an interval beginning with the October revolution to the first.Five-Year Plan (1917–1928), the second period falls on the time of pre-war Five-Year Plans (1929–1940), the third corresponds to the Great Patriotic War (1941–1945) and the fourth – to the post-war time (1946–4967).As concerns the study on ore and nonmetallic mineral deposits, an extra-ordinary effectiveness and good results can be noted, when analysing  the 50-year- period of the Soviet power. The Soviet geologists supplied completely the socialist industry of the USSR with mineral raw materials and assured considerable reserves for the future. In consequence of this, they also notably increased the level of the study on ore deposits. In addition, the Soviet geologists rendered a valuable assistance in prospection, reconnaissance and research works of mineral deposits to all socialist countries, and to numerous under-developed countries in: Asia and Africa. 



