Badania geologiczne w ZSRR w okresie 50-lecia Władzy Radzieckiej


  • Ł. I. Borowikow
  • A. D. Szczegłow


ACHIEVEMENTS IN GEOLOGICAL RESEARCHES OF THE USSR DURING 50 YEARS OF THE SOVIET POWERSummaryThe paper presents the most important trends in the Soviet geology and stresses their role in the development of geology as a science and in the national economy of the Soviet Union;The first part of the paper deals with the development of geological surveys, particularly with mapping on a scale 1 : 1000.000 and 1 : 200.000, as well as stresses the importance of synthetical elaborations on various scales.The second part presents the development of stratigraphy, palaeontology, tectonics, palaeogeography, petrography, lithology, sedimentology, geochemistry and other branches.To the end of the paper particular attention is paid to the development of investigations in the domain of metallogeny, and of magmatic phenomena and related mineralization processes. Contribution of the Soviet science to the elaboration  of theoretical bases of metallogeny, as well as its significance in search for mineral deposits has been considered, too.



