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  • Jerzy Milewicz
  • Maciej Podemski
  • Emilia Witwicka


NEW DATA ON UPPER CRETACEOUS IN THE WESTERN PART OF TRE NORTH-SUDETIC TROUGHSummaryThe results obtained from the bore hole Węgliniec IG-l, made in the vicinity of Przewóz on Nysa Łużycka River allow, for the first time, to trace in the western part of the North-Sudetic trough a complete section of the Upper Cretaceous formations. These rest here on marls of Upper Roethian age and begin with basal conglomerate (0,3 m) built up of limestone, siderite and lydite fragments that stick in quartz-glauconite sandstone with marly-chamoisite cement. The conglomerate gradually passes into quartz-glauconite sandstone with marly cement (7,5 m), and then into arenaceous-marly limestones (17,0 m). These deposits are overlain with a thick series of clayey marls (488,3 m) that change upwards into quartz siltstones with marly cement (274,2 m).The following are stages distinguished on microfauna and macrofauna: Cenomanian, Lower and Upper Turonian, Coniacian, Lower and Upper Santonian. The presence of the Cenomanian deposits has been determined on lnoceramus crippsi G o l d f. and I. pictus S o. w. in the Lower Turonian were distinguished horizons with I. labiatus S c h l o t h. and I. lamarcki  Pa r k. In the Upper Turonian, in turn, horizon with I. inconstants Wo o d s was determined. Moreover; microfaunistic horizons “alfa” and “beta” have also been distinguished in the Turonian Lower boundary of the Coniacian is determined by the appearance of the forms I. koeneni M ü l l., and I. kleini M ü l l. The beginning of the Santonian deposits has been drawn below the first occurrence level of I. cardissoides G o l d f. The boundary of the extent of Globotruncana lapparenti var. coronata B o l l i divides the Santonian deposits into the lower and upper ones.Both considerable thickness and character of the Upper Cretaceous deposits point to a fact that the section under consideration is situated within the central part of the sedimentary basin. The data mentioned in the present paper complete the so far known picture of facial changes that, in the North-Sudetic trough, took place at the Upper Cretaceous time. 



