Budowa geologiczna wzgórza Wieżyca w świetle najnowszych badań


  • Stanisław Beniuszys


GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE OF THE HILL WIEŻYCA IN THE LIGHT OF RECENT STUDIESSummaryThe hill Wieżyca that constitutes a terrain culmination (328.6 m above sea level) in the Kaszuby Lake  District, rests within a zone of end moraines referred to the Pomeranian Stage of the Baltic Glaciation, and its thought to be end moraine.The hill is built up mainly of fine-grained stratified sands of glacifluvial, at places of fluvial origin. 64.5 metres below the summit, the glacifluvial sands reveal a bed of slightly loamy gravel, with sands, pebbles, and boulders (up to 16 cm in diameter), that resembles  a washed-out moraine. In the lower part of this bed there occurs an intercalation of fine silty or clayey sand, 15 cm in thickness. Intrastatal arrangement of this fine sand in quiet, normal and horizontal. It seems that the deposits has been laid down in stagnant water. Both the intercalation here considered, and the beds of all the deposits, which build up the hill, rest in normal position, horizontally.The geological structure described above and other facts such as the presence of a stagnant  water deposit found in the original position at a height of about 262 m above sea level, the analogous positions of the other formations, particularly, however, that of the glacifluvial or fluvial sands, which make up the hill (328.6 m above sea level), the lack of glaciotectonical disturbances, and s.o., do not prove the previous opinion as to the morphogenesis of the hill Wieżyca and force to consider it erosional outlier rather than end moraine.It can be expected that after a detailed examination of the whole complex of the Szymbork hills (with be hill Wieżyca as a member of the complex) and of the adjacent areas, the problem discussed in the present paper can, most probably, be solved univocally. 



