Projekt wydzieleń do Mapy Geologicznej Polski w skali 1: 200 000


  • Aurelia Makowska
  • Jan Malinowski
  • Andrzej Ślączka


PROJECT OF A LEGEND TO THE GEOLOGIC MAP OF POLAND, ON A SCALE 1: 200 000SummaryAccording to the recombinations of the Geological Surveys of the countries – members of the Council for Mutual Economical Assistance, concerning the elaboration of a uniform geologic map of these countries, the Geological Institute in Poland began editorial works on the Geologic Map of Poland, 1: 200 000. The elaboration of the map is based on the “Instruction on compilation and elaboration of geologic map and mineral raw material map on a scale 1 : 200 000” issued by the Geological Institute in 1958.First, a two-sheet geologic map is foreseen: sheet A – showing surface formations, and sheet B – showing geological formations without Quaternary deposits. Together with this map, also a short explanatory text will be issued. The legend on the maps will be prepared according to the principles based on the common legend, presented as a project in this paper. The project comprises the legend for the entire area of Poland. The legend for the Carpathian Mountains is elaborated according to a regional scheme. 



