Poziomy amonitowe oksfordu górnego w Jurze Częstochowskiej


  • Lidia Malinowska


AMMONITE ZONES OF THE UPPER OXFORDIAN IN THE CZĘSTOCHOWA JURASSIC BELTSummaryThis raport presents the stratigraphy of the Upper Oxfordian deposits that occur between Częstochowa, Rębielice Królewskie and Zawady. The ammonite fauna found in these deposits represents the zone Perisphinctes cautisnigrae sensu lato and part of the zone Ringstaedia pseudocordata. An analysis of the Upper Jurassic fauna found in the Częstochowa Jurassic Belt shows that the deposits may be correlated with those of the same age in England (H. J. Callomon, 1964), France (R. Enay, 1966, 1967) and Germany (A. Zeiss, 1966). The uppermost zone of the Upper Oxfordian, i.e. the zone Idoceras planula has been distinguished by A. Wierzbowski (1965).The existing possibility of distinguishing ammonite zones in the Upper Oxfordian deposits denies any conclusion as to a necessity of distinguishing “a new stage”. 



