O piaskowcu pstrym rowu Lwówka na tle regionów przyległych


  • Jerzy Milewicz


ON THE BUNTSANDSTEIN DEPOSITS IN THE LWÓWEK GRABEN AND IN THE ADJACENT AREASSummaryThe arenaceous deposits of Buntsandstein age, which occur in the North-Sudetic depression are divided into lower (Radłówek beds) and upper (Lwówek sandstones). On the other hand, the marly-calcareous deposits are reffered to the Roethian. In the upper part of the Lwówek sandstones 8 sedimentary cycles may be distinguished.It has been demonstrated that main movements took place during the Tertiary period. The elements of Cimmerian tectonics, distinguished by K. Bayer, have not been observed.The distribution of thickness of the Buntsandstein deposits suggests that the central area of the basin occurs between the Lwówek graben and the Grodziec syncline. In the southern part of the Lwówek graben and in the Jerzmanice graben, the basin becomes shallower, and in the Wleń graben, the marginal zone of the sedimentary basin can already be observed.The Buntsandstein was characterized by a warm or subtropical climate, revealing numerous dry periods. Only at the time of the sedimentation of the Lwówek sandstone horizon, the climate became more humid. In the region of Lwówek, a vast water basin was formed in the upper part of the sandstones (cyclic deposits).It has been ascertained that in the Lower Triassic deposits, which occur in the eastern regions of the North-Sudetic depression, yellow and grey colours appear at the lower part of the Buntsandstein deposits both in the Wleń graben and in the eastern part of the Jerzmanice graben. The main mass of the deposits reveals here pink colour and the upper grey beds represent a restricted facies, covering only the western part of the Jerzmanice graben and the northern part of the Lwówek graben. 



