Badania paleobotaniczno-stratygraficzne osadów dewońskich z wierceń Ciepielów i Dorohucza


  • Lidia Jakubowska


PALAEOBOTANIC-STRATIGRAPHICAL STUDIES ON DEVONIAN DEPOSITS PIERCED BY BORE BOLES CIEPIELÓW AND DOROBUCZASummarySo far, the Devonian formations, cropping out in the Świętokrzyskie Mts., the Silesian-Cracow Upland, and the Sudetes, have been a basis to determine the Devonian stratigraphy in Poland. Detailed geological researches, recently made in the Polish Lowland, allow us to explain the lithostratigraphy of the Devonian formations of this area, as well. Preliminary geological data concerning the occurrence of the Devonian deposits in the Polish Lowland area are given by M. Pajchlowa (1964).The present palaeobotanical studies were made on samples taken from siltstone-arenaceous deposits of Old Red age, pierced by bore holes Ciepielów and Dorohucza (southern part of the marginal synclinorium).The following are macroscopic fossils determined by means of palaeobotanical analysis: Psilophyton goldschmidtii H a 11 e, Dawdsonites arouatus H a 1 l e, Taeniocrada sp., Drepanophycus spinaeformis G o e p p e r t, Sugambrophyton pilgeri S c h m i d t, Protolepidodendron sp.; Hostimella sp., Aphyllopteris sp., and Sporogonites exuberans H a l l e.The frequency of microspores in the material examined proved to be highly insignificant. Most microspores occur sporadically, and only Emphanisporites erraticus (E i s e n a c k) Mc. G r e g o r and E. rotatus Mc. G r e g o r were found to occur in all the samples from bore bole Ciepielów. Mc Gr e g o r (1962) refers these microspores at most to Middle Devonian stressing, however, that Emphanisporites; together with the macrofossils of Hostimella and Psilophyton represent rather deposits of Lower Devonian than of Middle Devonian age.Based on palaeobotanical analysis of the material examined, and on literature data, the present author refers the deposits in study to Lower Devonian.



