Redukcyjne środowisko i zawodnienie złóż siarki niezbędnym warunkiem ich istnienia


  • Jan Czermiński


REDUCING ENVIRONMENT AND WATER CONTENT IN SULPHUR DEPOSITS AS INDISIPENSABLE CONDITION OF THEIR EXISTENCESummaryThe article deals with the main factors deciding upon the formation at native sulphur deposits in the sulphate series of Tortonian age. Saturation with water solutions of the series that are subject to sulphuration, is an indispensable factor in formation of these deposits under epigenetical conditions. These solutions, characterized by reducing properties are also indispensable for preservation of native sulphur deposits, since they protect them against the oxygen access, i.e. against the destruction in the oxidation zone. Water saturated with active oxygen, penetrating a deposit, can also give rise to its oxidation. At greater depths, the sulphur deposits can be preserved under waterless conditions, as well. In this case a lack of oxidizing conditions depends upon the depth. The main conclusion is that native sulphur deposits should be investigated where perspective formations occur under the horizon of waters characterized by reducing properties. 



