Geochemiczna charakterystyka bituminów fliszu podhalańskiego


  • Jan Calikowski
  • Barbara Gondek
  • Krystyna Szpanier


GEOCHEMICAL CHARACTERISTIC OF BITUMENS OF THE PODHALE FLYSCH FORMATIONSSummaryThe analysis of the geological conditions of the Podhale flysch formations made by S. Sokołowski and L. Watycha in 1965 to evaluate their oil and gas contents has demonstrated that these formations are, in this respect, highly promising. This is also proved by numerous surface shows of bitumens observed in the form of liquid bitumen and asphaltite traces, as well as seepage of gas. Geochemical examinations, which are an object of study discussed in this paper, have bridged a gap in the previous elaboration of the evaluation of the perspectives of the Podhale flysch formations. Detailed examinations have been made of bitumens in flysch shale samples taken from the oldest flysch beds exposed in the marginal portion of the flysch trough. Main components of bitumens, i.e. oils, hydrocarbons, resins and asphaltenes have been analysed by means of chemica1 methods and using spectral analysis in infra-red. The examinations have demonstrated that large amount of highly metamorphosed hydrocarbons occurs in the flysch formations. The hydrocarbons revealing epigenetical character can, most probably, migrate in the porous rock environment. It has been ascertained that oil substances are, as concerns their composition, approximate to crude oil, and show analogous structure almost in all the points examined. Resins and asphaltenes in turn do not show such a resemblance. They differ both in degree of metamorphism and in chemical structure. This points to their relation to the primary conditions of environment in the flysch basin. Thus, the asphaltene-resin substances can, in contrast with the oils, be though to be of autochthonous origin. The examinations yielded additional evidences as concerns the possibility of occurrence of oil deposits in the flysch formations, too. 



