Stratygrafia dewonu z Jaroszowca na podstawie konodontów


  • Maria Chorowska


STRATIGRAPHY OF THE DEVONIAN DEPOSITS FOUND DY A BORE HOLE AT JAROSZOWIEC, IN THE LIGHT OF CONODONTSSummary The Palaeozoic formations, encountered by a bore hole made at Jaroszowiec (Olkusz region - Fig.1), thought previously to be of Carboniferous and Devonian age, have been referred, on the basis of conodonts, to Middle Devonian, more precisely to the upper part of Givetian, or to the boundary beds between the Middle and Upper Devonian, and to the lowermost horizons of the Upper Devonian (Frasnian, Manticoceras zone, horizons toIα, toIβ/γ; Fig. 2). The analysis of the occurrence of the Devonian deposits found by the bore hole considered illustrates that these deposits are either folded, and constitute a fragment of an overturned fold, or the older members of the carbonate series are thrust along an inversion fault over the younger ones.



