Nowa propozycja klasyfikacji surowców mineralnych Polski


  • Zofia Fibich
  • Stefan Kozłowski


PROPOSAL OF A NEW CLASSIFICATION OF MINERAL RAW MATERIALS IN POLANDSummaryIn various publications edited by the Central Office for Geology, by the Geological Institute, by the Mining end Metallurgical Academy, and by other institutions, heterogeneous subdivisions and various definitions of mineral raw materials have so far been applied. The purpose of this paper is to present an attempt at unifying the classification of useful mineral raw materials of Poland. This classification may be called a combined one. It is based on a definition of mineral raw materials, given by K. Bohdanowicz. Accoarding to this definition, mineral raw materials are thought to represent all useful mineral deposits, valuable from economical point of view. The following are three groups of mineral raw materials distinguished by the present authors: combustible, metallic, and non-metallic mineral raw materials (Table 1). For the two first groups are applied previous subdivisions, best defined by R. Krajewski (1964). The third group, comprising non-metallic mineral raw materials, has been subdivided into the following sub-groups: chemical mineral raw materials (a), rocky raw materials (b), as well as precious and semiprecious stones (c). Some troubles arose during the subdivision of the rocky raw materials. This was due to a considerable quantity of the representatives of this group (about 50 mineral raw materials), heterogeneous origin, and various industrial application. To obtain a uniform subdivision, the authors applied genetical criteria, and distinguished rocky raw materials characterized by magmatic (a), metamorphic (b), hydrothermal (c), depositional (d), and weathering origin (e). The classification of the rocky raw materials (Table 1) is characterized by an advantage consisting in a fact that it does not depend upon the variable and changing requirements and demands of industry. The authors do realize all the deficiencies of the classification considered. These deficiencies concern, for example, the traditional approach to the groups of chemical and combustible mineral raw materials. The present-day development of the chemical industry based on both crude oil and hard coal, and a possibility to deliberate energy from radioactive elements, force to introduce new conceptions. However, before we change our approach to the problem of mineral raw materials, we should accept, for evidential, statistical and didactic purposes, the subdivision based on the notions so far accepted.



