Trzeciorzęd między Rogowem, Skierniewicami i Rawą Mazowiecką


  • Marcin Piwocki


TERTIARY IN THE AREA OF ROGÓW, SKIERNIEWICE AND RAWA MAZOWIECKAThe area in study extends within the Kujawy-Pomeranian anticlinorium. In its central part the anticline of Jeżów is situated. The most completely developed Tertiary deposits occur in depressions of the Mesozoic substratum surface. Here, the Tertiary is built up of the Oligocene, Miocene and Pliocene deposits. The Oligocene deposits are found in the northeastern depression of the substratum and consist of sands with glauconite. The Miocene deposits reach their maximum thickness near Rogów, between Lipce and Łyszkowice, as well as in a depression east of the line Rawa Mazowiecka-Skierniewice. In the lower part .of the Miocene there are mainly sands, in the upper part, in turn, coal series built of brown coals, clays and silts. The Pliocene is represented by argillaceous-silty deposits containing subordinate intercalations of sands. The investigations show that the brown coals found in the area of Rogów, Rawa Mazowiecka and Skierniewice are, on account of their great occurrence depth and of small thickness, not of commercial value.



