Węgiel brunatny w okolicy Brzezia koło Włocławka


  • Michał Marzec


BROWN COAL IN THE VICINITY OF BRZEZIE, NEAR WŁOCŁAWEKThe upper parts of the Lower Cretaceous formations, the coal-bearing deposits of the limnic Tertiary and the Quaternary formations have been investigated by means of drillings in the vicinity of Brzezie. The Lower Cretaceous deposits underlying the Tertiary ones are built up of dark brown and black clays and rest on shales, mads and limestones of Upper Jurassic age.On the Lower Cretaceous deposits there occur beds of younger rocks being of Tertiary and Quaternary age. The Tertiary has been subdivided into 3 lithological series occurring from bottom to top as follows: 1 - quartz sand series, 2 - coal series, 3 - clay series.The Tertiary deposits are completely covered by a thick complex of the Quaternary formations consisting of sands, gravels and boulder clays.The brown coal deposit at Brzezie belongs to the deposits of small extension and lies merely at the boundary of commercial value. High ash content amounting approximately 35,8 per cent in dry state (As) and low calorific value amounting (at 500 per cent of moisture) 1605 kcal/kg on the average, are the main factors decreasing the commercial value of the coal under discussion. The coal resources of the deposit are: in its commercial part - about 54,0 mln.t., in its non-commercial part - about 23,5mln.t.



