Węgiel brunatny ze złóż w okolicy Parowej i jego chemiczne charakterystyki


  • Marian Nosek


BROWN COAL FROM DEPOSITS OF THE VICINITY OF PAROWA AND ITS CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICSThe brown coal occurring in the vicinity of Parowa (Lower Silesia) Is found as 4 sheets .strongly washed out, which may be regarded a-s separate deposits; (Ołobole, Jagodzin, Parowa and Nowiny). The deposits rest in trough-like depressions of the older substratum and contain autochthonous coals of Upper Oligocene age. All the deposits occur under complicated geological conditions (considerable water contents of the arenaceous overburden strata).Results of the analytical investigations of the coal and ash specimens prove that the coal of the deposits occurring in the vicinity of Parowa represents a valuable combustible raw material (Qrw = 1837-2313 kcal/kg); some parts of the coal are useful for briquetting. Average contents of primary tar (Ts - 11,71-12,51%) predestinates the coals, partly at least, for chemical processing. Since the total contents of alkali salts, i.e. Na2O + K2O (in dry coal) amounts only 0,01-0,11 per cent, the coals under discussion are also not the salt bearing ones.



