Ret, wapień muszlowy i kajper w zachodniej i środkowej części monokliny przedsudeckiej


  • Irena Gajewska


ROETHIAN, MUSCBELKALK AND KEUPER IN THE WESTERN AND CENTRAL PARTS OF THE FORE-SUDETIC MONOCLINEThe Roethian, the Muschelkalk and the Keuper deposits of the western and central parts of the Fore-Sudetic monocline are characteristic of a complete stratigraphical profile. In their lithological development they are similar to the Triassic deposits of the German territory.Within the area discussed here, the Roethian is developed in the anhydryte-dolomitic facies and cacareous-marly facies. Its stratigraphical horizons are equivalents of those of Roethian stratigraphy in Germany.On lithological changes three stages have been distinguished in the Muschelkalkl, i.e. lower, middle and upper. The Lower Muschelkalk is developed in the calcareous facies. Its deposits of the bottom pad are characteristic of undulated structure, these of the top part, are developed as typical foamy limestones (Schaum-kalk).The deposits of the Middle Muschelkalk are developed in the anhydrite-calcareous facies, those of the Upper Muschelkalk -in the calcareous-argillaceous facies.It may be stated on the basis of existing profiles of the Keuper formations in the western and central parts of the Fore-Sudetic monocline that their general lithological and stratigraphical schemes are uniform over the entire area under study. These schemes are represented by the Lower and Upper Keuper deposits containing well developed lower and upper gypsum series and reed sandstones (Schilfsandstein).



