Rozmieszczenie pierwiastków śladowych w osadach triasu w Magnuszewie


  • Alina Kabata-Pendias


DISTRIBUTION OF TRACE ELEMENTS IN THE TRIASSIC DEPOSITS AT MAGNUSZEW9 trace elements in 78 samples of the Triassic sedimentary rocks from the bore hole Magnuszew have been determined by spectrographic and colorimetric methods. It was established on the results obtained that Ag, Mo and Sn are, on account of their strong dissemination, not of index value fur geochemical investigations of the deposits under study.The remaining elements (Mn, Cr, Ni, Co, Cu and V) show some differentiation in distribution of the individual types of deposits and of various sedimentary periods. Generally, it may be stated that the trace elements mentioned above are more intensely concentrated in the siltstone and claystone deposits.The maximum content of the components discussed above was established in the Keuper deposits, as compred with that of the Rhaetic, Muschelkalk and Buntsandstein. The Cr element is particularly strong concentrated in the Keuper sandstones. Concentration of some trace elements in these deposits is probably connected with the specific sedimentary conditions. An intense development of plants in the sedimentary basin of the Keuper may also have influenced upon the cumulation of the elements considered. In general, except for Cr and Ni which are strongest disseminated in the siltstones and sandstones of the Muschelkalk, the content of components investigated in the Rhaetic, Muschelkalk and iBuntsandstein deposits are similar. During investigation there have also been observed a fairly great mutual dependence in occurrence of Co and Ni as well as slightly lesser correlation between Ni and Cr. Moreover, a dependence of distribution of Ni and Co upon Fe has also  been established.



