Poziomy faunistyczne warstw grodzieckich i florowskich wschodniej części Górnośląskiego Zagłębia Węglowego


  • Łucja Musiał
  • Maria Tabor


FAUNAL HORIZONS OF THE GRODZIEC AND THE FLORA BEDS IN THE EASTERN PART OF THE UPPER SILESIAN COAL BASINThe base material to elaborate the faunal horizons of the Grodziec and the Flora beds from the eastern part of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin derives from 19 bore holes made within the area of interest of the Dąbrowa Coal Industry Union.In the Grodziec beds (350-400 m in thickness) 17-6 intercalations containing fauna have been ascertained; these intercalations form here 6 faunal horizons. The first faunal horizon may correspond to the marine horizon Goebler and Roemer. The second one may be identified with the fauna horion Roemer Id overlying the seam 610 in the central and the western parts of the Upper Sillesian Coal Basin.The third, fourth and fifth faunal horizons correspond to the horizons Henryk II, Koks IV and Barbara V, respectively.Approximately from 40 to 140 m below the fifth horizon, an additional faunal horizon has been traced. This may be referred to the marine horizon Enna VII occurring at the top of the Gruszowiec beds.Below the additional horizon mentioned above, there rests a series of deposits, 160-260 m in thickness, with fresh-water fauna and Lingula fauna intercalations. These deposits are referred to the·Upper Flora beds. The series is characteristic of a continuous horizon with pelecypods Carbonicola occurring above the seam Fo, and of a Lingula intercalation running between the seams FI and FII. Intercalations with marine fauna have also been found in the lower part of the Flora beds.



