Uwagi o sedymentacji warstw krośnieńskich występowaniu mikrofauny w obszarze synkliny Bobowej


  • Tadeusz Birecki


REMARKS ON SEDIMENTATION OF THE KROSNO BEDS AND ON MICROFAUNA IN THE AREA OF THE BOBOWA SYNCLINEThe lithology of the Bobowa syncline is represented at the limbs by deposits of sub-menilite Eocene and by menilite series, the middle part being occupied by the Krosno beds. The sub-menilite Eocene is developed as variegated grey ,green shales intercalated by thick-bedded Ciężkowice sandstones and globigerina marls at the top.The menilite series is built up of sub-hornstone beds, hornstones and hornstone marls, as well as of menilite shales with lens-like developed Kliwa sandstones.The Krosno beds may be subdivided in the vertical section, into the lithological horizons, to begin from the bottom, as follows:a) horizon of thick-bedded sandstones,b) grey shales with thick-bedded sandstones and ferruginous dolomites at the top,c) -shale series under the Jasło shales,d) Jasło shales,e) shale series above the Jasło shales.



