Badania geochemiczne warstw podrogowcowych serii menilitowej z Ropy i Grabownicy


  • Irena Gucwa


GEOCBEMICAL STUDIES OF SUB-HORNSTONE BEDS OF MENILITE SERIES FROM ROPA AND GRABOWNICA (CARPATHIANS)The present paper deals with the preliminary characteristics of sub-hornstone beds of menilite series. The studies were made an two profiles: the first profile was from Ropa, near Grybów, the second one from Grabownica, near Sanok. The sub-hornstone beds at Ropa are characteristic of clayey and marly deposits of increased bituminity and of slight admixture of arenaceous fraction. Illite and montmorillonite are·here the main clayey minerals. Moreover, there are also faund intercalations of relatively pure montmorillonites, containing an admixture·of CaCO3, at places. The geochemical profiling embraced also the Globigerina marls, as well as clayey and marly rocks of the top of green hieroglyphic schists occurring beneath the marls. The profile of sub-hornstone beds at Grabownica, near Sanok shows a predominance of arenaceous rocks forming intercalations, some metres in thickness, within the ,clayey and marly rocks rich in bitumens. The profile comprises the whole complex of sub-hornstone beds from the top of green hieroglyphic schists to the bottom of hornstones. In general, 3,8 samples from Ropa and 18 from Grabownica have been studied. The results of chemical analysis are shown on Tab. 1 and Tab. 2, and those of colorimetric analysis of rare elements on Tab. 3 and Tab. 4.It may be said on the result of the studies performed that the profiles investigated reflect various sedimentary conditions and diagenesis of the deposits. This is proved by different character of rocks observed in both profiles (presence of bentonites and absence of sandstones at Ropa, and amassment of these latter at Grabownica), as well as by various amounts of sulphur in the profiles. According to this, such elements as V, Mo, Cu, Zn, Pb and Ni, which always are connected with bitumens, occur in the profile of Grabownica in greater quantities, than those at Ropa. On the other hand, the contents of chromium connected with clayey rocks, increase in the profile of sub-hornstone beds at Ropa.·It should also be stressed here that a series of marls occurring at the top of the hieroglyphic beds does not show any enrichment in rare elements. Such an enrichment may only be observed at the top of marls (sample No 25 from Ropa and sample No 51 from Grabownica).



