Epikontynentalna kreda górna Europy środkowej (alb - koniak w Polsce, Czechosłowacji i Niemczech)


  • Stefan Cieśliński
  • Kerl Armin Tröger


THE EPICONTINENTAL UPPER CRETACEOUS OF THE MIDDLE EUROPE (ALB - CONIACIAN IN POLAND, CZECHOSLOVAKIA AND GERMANY)The present paper contains a synthesis of stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous, from Albian to Coniacian occurring in the areas of Poland, Czechoslovakia and Germany (Fig. 1), as well as data on biostratigraphy, distribution and lithology of the Cretaceous formations in the Middle Europe (Fig. 2).The Upper Cretaceous transgression begun in the Middle Europe area at Middle Albian time. The Neocomian trough of Northwestern Germany and the region of the present North Sea were source area of the·transgression. The Middle Albian consists .of sands and sandstones containing fauna typical of that period, at places. In several regions the carbonate fades appears in the Upper Albian, with numerous Aucellina fauna; typical ammonites are found, too. In Poland, at the boundary of Albian and Cenomanian, at which the changes of facies from arenaceous into carbonate one took place, there were formed phosphorites, at places. In Cenomanian, the transgression extended as far as the southern areas. Within the Albian basin, the Cenomanian is developed mainly in carbonate facies, in other areas, however, mostly in arenaceous ones. In Turonian, the marine transgression continues and reaches its maximum at Upper Turonian time. In the northern parts of Germany and Poland the carbonate facies predominates, whereas in the .southern region the arenaceous and the carbonate fades prevail. Difference in subdivision of the Turonian, established on fauna, is shown of Fig. 3. In Coniaciana gradual regression takes place and persists up to the Santonian. In Coniacian, within the same areas as in the Turonian, the carbonate fades prevail, as well. The stratigraphy of Coniacian in Poland and Germany is based on the similar assemblages (Fig. 3). At the decline of Coniacian, the marine transgression becomes much more distinct. The sea withdraws almost completely from the southern area, and in the northern parts of Germany and Poland the sedimentation continues up to the Maestrichtian, and in some regions of Poland, even up to the Danian-Montian time.



