Przejawy gazu w eokambrze obniżenia podlaskiego


  • Borys Areń
  • Stanisław Depowski


GAS SHOWINGS IN THE EOCAMBRIAN ROCKS OF THE PODLASIE DEPRESSIONA deep bore hole Tłuszcz IG 1; was sunk in the north-western part of the Podlasie depression. To a depth of 2497,6 m the Cainozoic, Mesozoic and Palaeozoic sedimentary rocks were pierced and at a depth 2497,6-2953,8 m metamorphic schists of Proterozoic age were encountered. A synthetical stratigraphic-lithological profile of these deposits is given in the Polish text. Thus, besides the Cainozoic sedimentary cover, also the presence of the Permo-Mesozoic and Caledonian sedimentary cover was established. The lack of the Devonian and Carboniferous deposits proves that the Variscan sedimentary cover does not exist in the northern part of the Podlasie depression. The small dips, reaching only some degrees observed within the Palaeozoic and Mesozoic formations, and the results of regional geophysical surveys, in particular of seismical surveys, demonstrate that the area considered was only slightly influenced by tectonics and held its platform character.



