O środkowoliasowym wieku flory z Chmielowa pod Ostrowcem i jej znaczeniu dla stratygrafii kontynentalnej jury


  • Władysław Karaszewski


ON MIDDLE LIASSIC AGE OF THE FLORA FROM CBMIELOW. NEAR OSTROWIEC (MIDDLE POLAND) AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE FOR THE STRATIGRAPHY OF CONTINENTAL JURASSICOn account of few marine intercalations, the knowledge of the Lower Jurassic stratigraphy in Poland has developed only in the last decade, mainly due to a collaboration of geologists, palaeontologists and paIaeobotanists. This makes possible a revision of the age of Polish Jurassic floras, among which the assemblages known already toward the dose of the last·century from Ostrowiec (northern marginal area of the Święty Krzyż Mts.) and from the vicinities of Grójec, near Crocow are most important (Fig. 1).



