Mapa mineralogeniczna Polski


  • Roman Osika


METALLOGENIC (MINERALOGENIC) MAP OF POLANDThe metallogenic (mineralogenic) map of Poland presents the deposits of mineral raw materials seen against the background of tectonical, structural, lithofacial and stratigraphical picture of the Pre-Tertiary, Pre-Permian and Pre-Cambrian surface. The map illustrates all deposits of useful mineral raw materials, except for the building mineral row materials. The map is elaborated on the basis of new synthetical materials of the Geological Institute. The present paper shows the scope .and the accepted opinions concerning the geological background and the most important data as to the genesis of deposits, their age and :forms illustrated by means of suitable signs on the mineralogenic map. These data are presented in the text on 9 maps.5 maps deal with the geological picture of Poland (Figs 1-5), and 4 illustrate the deposits of mineral raw materials.



