Surowce skaIne dorzecza Skawy


  • Maria Kita-Badak


BUILDING MINERAL RAW MATERIALS IN THE SKAWA RIVER BASINIn connection with the water reservoirs to be constructed in the Skawa River basin attention has been paid to a possibility of using local building mineral raw materials. These latter occurring in the Skawa River basin area have been characterized as follows:Stone mineral raw materials represented by sandstones of the sub-Silesian unit -Grodzisk sandstones; sandstones of the Silesian unit - Lgota, Godula, Istebna, and Krosno sandstones; sandstones of the Magura unit - Ciężkowice and Magura sandstones.Clay mineral raw materials represented by shales, clay shales, clays and weathering tills.Clastic mineral raw materials embracing gravels and sands.The paper deals with the perspectives of using these mineral raw materials in construction of the individual reservoirs and shows areas in which these materials may be found for exploitation. Moreover, it was stated that the construction of water dams projected in the Skawa River basin may, among others be based on the local mineral raw materials as well.



