Sinian i kambr północno-wschodniej Polski


  • Jerzy Znosko


SINIAN AND CAMBRIAN IN THE NORTH-EASTERN AREA OF POLANDThe sedimentary cover of the Precambrian platform begins in north-eastern Poland with the Sinian formations, in which the following members may easily by distinguished: W i s z n i c e  s e r i e s ·consisting of the l o w e r W i s z n i c e b e d S developed as fanglomerates, sandstones, tuffs and tuffites, up to 33 m in thickness, and of the upper W i s z n I c e  b e d s, which represent the main extrusive-effusive complex there. This is built up of basalt lavas, volcanic agglomerates and conglomerates, and of basalt tuffs. The thickness of the upper Wisznice beds ranges from 19 to 88 m., reaching even 135 m. (Tab. 1 .in the Polish text). The volcanic complex is overlain by a monotonous and uniform arkose cover of the K·r u s z y n i a n y  s e r i e s that ends the sedimentary cycle. The thickness of the arkoses ranges from 36 m to 108 m.



