Szkic sytuacji geologicznej torfu paudorfskiego w Łążku Zaklikowskim


  • Maria Bielecka


AN OUTLINE OF GEOLOGICAL SITUATION OF PAUDORF PEAT AT ŁĄŻEK ZAKLIKOWSKISummaryAt Łążek Zaklikowskim (a village situated about 10 km north-east of the San River mouth to the Vistula River), fossil peat was discovered by the present author at an exposure of the left Sanna River bank (Fig. 1, point A). Pollen analysis made by K. Mamakowa suggested at first a possibility of referring the genesis of the peat to the Alleröd Interstadial (M. Bielecka; 1960). Later on the peat was examined by W. Mościcki by means of C14 method. The results obtained demonstrate that the absolute age of the peat found on the Sanna River ranges from 23000 to 29000 years, this being older than the Alleröd Interstadial. As compared with the results of palynological examinations, this age forces now the palaeobotanists to refer the genesis of the peat considered to a warming period within a pleniglacial called Paudorf (K. Mamakowa, 1968). Somewhat later, five hand bore holes were made within the Sanna River valley.In bore holes 2 and 4 (Fig. 2) a new intercalation of fossil peat was pierced at a depth lower than that of the peat encountered on the Sanna River. The succession of strata demonstrates that the age of the new-discovered peat is older than Paudorf. So far, no basis exists to determine its age more in detail. An interpretation of the materials gathered points to a possibility of referring the genesis either to the BrÝrup Interstadial, or to the Eemioan Interglacial.Moreover, the type of the Quaternary deposits found to occur beneath the series pierced in bore hole 5, has so far not been determined, as well. Even down to a depth of 20 m the Quaternary deposits have not been here pierced through, and the clay shales of the Miocene substratum have not been encountered, too. This would point to the existence of a deep, buried valley in the northern areas of the present-day valley of the Sanna River. Anyhow, we cannot exclude a fact that phytogenic deposits occur within it.



