Chemizm wód trzeciorzędowych rejonu Machowa


  • Anna Majka Smuszkiewicz


CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF TERTIARY WATERS IN THE REGION OF MACHÓWSummaryThe present elaboration of chemical composition of Tertiary waters found to occur in the region of Machów is based on the results of the researches conducted during the exploitation of a system draining Tertiary formations. Analytical materials comprised l40 bulk chemical analyses of samples taken in 1967 in several bore holes selected for study. The Tertiary water-bearing horizon is a pressure one, isolated from the Quaternary horizon with a bed of Krakowiec clays. The horizon is built up of limestones, and of Baranów sands and sandstones. The Tertiary formations directly rest on Cambrian substratum.The Tertiary waters are characterized by a mineralization that ranges from14 to 18 g/l, and by high H2S contents, up to 550 mg/l. To the principal ions belongs the CI– ion, the amount of which exceeds 90% of milligramme-equivalents; and Na+ ion, which exceeds 80% of milligramme-equivalents. According to Shtshukhariev's classification, the waters are of chloride-sodium type. In consequence of this, the percentage of the remaining ions is small. The maps of ion contents, lists and tables, presented in this paper, reflect the character of waters and the distribution of components.The region in study is characterized by a gradual increase in mineralization directed along the dips of he water-bearing formations. The distribution of mineralization zones suggests an interrelation between the hydrochemical phenomena and tectonic elements of the same directions. A special analysis of water revealed the presence of bromine, iodine and flouorine ions. Hydrochemical coefficients prove the marine origin of the Tertiary waters. On the basis at these coefficients, the area in study may be subdivided into a region of waters having hydrochemical coefficients characteristic of marine waters (region of deep-seated water-bearing formations), and a region having hydrochemical coefficients characteristic of waters, the composition of which has been changed due to infiltration processes (region of shallow occurrence of chemical formations). 



