Zespół otwornic i małżoraczków osadów z facji ilasto-mułowcowo-piaszczystej kujawu i batonu Niżu Polskiego


  • Wanda Bielecka
  • Olga Styk


ASSEMBLAGE OF FORAMINIFERS AND OSTRACODS IN THE DEPOSITS OF CLAY-SILTSTONE-ARENACEOUS FACIES OF KUJAVIAN AND BATHONIAN AGE WITHIN THE POLISH LOWLAND AREASummaryA short characteristic is given of an assemblage of foraminifers and ostracods found to occur in the Kujavian and Bathonian deposits of the Polish Lowland area. Their vertical occurrence range as given in the Polish text (Tables 1 and 2). The Lower Kujavian deposits are characterized by the presence of a rich assemblage of agglutinating foraminifers of the genera Trochammina, Rhabdammina, Haplophragmoides, Recurvoides, Proteonina and others. Foraminifers having calcareous tests are few, and these belong mainly to the genera Lenticulina, Epistomina and Garantella. To the guide ostracods belong: Pleurocythere regularis T r i e b. and Fuhrbergiella primitiva B r a n d, M a 1 z.In the Middle Kujavian deposits the foraminiferal assemblage is particularly rich, especially in the Parkinsonia subarietis and Parkinsonia parkinsoni horizons. Among the characteristic species should be mentioned here: Ammopalmula infrajurensis (T e r q.), Lenticulina (Astacolus) volubilis D a i n, Lenticulina (L.) daphne B i e l., S t y k, Lenticulina (A.) argonauta K o p i k, Lenticulina (A.) kujaviana K o p i k, Fondicularia nypha K o p i k, Lenticulina (Planularia) eugenii (T e r q.), Epistomina costifera T e r q. and Ophthalmidium  carinatum terquemi P a z d r o. The horizon Parkinsonia schloenbachi is characterized by an impoverishment of foraminiferal microfauna. As concerns the ostracod assemblage, the key species of the Middle Kujavian are represented: by Pleurocythere impar T r i e b., P. richteri T r i e b., Glyptocythere hieroglyphica rudimenta B r a n d, M a 1 z, G. perpolita magna B ł a s z., Fuhrbergiella gigantea B r a n d, M a 1 z.In the Upper Kujavian are found, foraminifers characterized by a lager extent of their occurrence area, from Middle Kujavian to Upper Kujavian. Among the guide species of the Upper Kujavian are: Ophthalmidium  carinatum porai P a z d r o and Palaeomiliolina rawiensis (P a z d r o) and among the ostracods: Pleurocythere connexa T r i e b., at the top portions also Progonocythere polonica B ł a s z. As a rule, the Bathonian foraminiferal assemblage is not abundant. It consists mainly of foraminifers with calcareous tests, agglutinating foraminifers being scarcely represented. To the guide species of Bathonian belong Palaeomiliolina częstochotowiensis (P a z d r o) and Trocholina conica (S c h l u m b.). At places are found also representatives of Palazowella pazdroae B i e 11., S t y k. In the Middle Bathonian, the form Ophthalmidium  carinatum agglutinans P a z d r o frequently prevails, as concerns the amount of species, over that of Palaeomiliolina częstochotowiensis (P a z d r o).In the Upper Bathonian this relation of the two species is reverse. Among ostracods, the forms characteristic of the deposits of the whole Bathonian sequence are as follows: Progonocythere polonica B ł a s z., Glyptocythere tuberosa angulars B ł a s z., Lophocythere plena T r d. e b. Such forms, as Oligocythereis fullonica (J o n., S h e r b.), Pleurocythere favosa T r i e b., and Fissocythere Colloghypta M a l z. are characteristic of the Middle Bathonian deoposits only. 



